Hedgehog Class 

Welcome to our page! 
       Class Teacher - Mrs Filby          
Teaching support this year:  Mr Brown
Our Class Noticeboard 

PE will be held every Monday, Children should come to school in their kit on this day, dressed appropriately for the weather predicted that day.  On Fridays the children will be swimming and details of this will be in a separate letter on the school website homepage.  

Homework books 
Spelling and times tables homework 
Spellings will be added to the book on a Monday each week, please ensure these books come into school every Monday
Books should stay at home during the week, so the spellings can be revised. 
A spelling test is held each Monday morning. You will see your child's result written at the back of their homework books on a Tuesday.

The 99 club is used to test times tables knowledge twice weekly. You will receive completed sheets home to aid revision at home.

See links for SpellingShed and Rockstars to the right to practice these skills at home.

Please ask if any more details are required about anything above.
Term Overview Year 3 Curriculum Year 4 Curriculum
Year 3 and 4 Maths Overview Maths Reasoning Year 3 and 4 Spellings Spellingshed

Reading Rewards! 

Please send in signed reading records everyday, we will count reads every FRIDAY. All reads go towards our 'Reading Rewards' scheme.  The children also get 2 house points for every home read.


Reading is a life skill and needed for every subject across the curriculum. 

National Times Tables Test 

The National Curriculum requirement is for all Year 4 children to be able to recall instantly all the times tables up to x12 by June that year. 

Year 4 and Year 3 children should make this a focus for their learning at home. All maths can be linked to tables; knowing them well gives your child the foundation understanding essential in maths, (and knowing them takes that pressure away.) 

Times Table Rockstars National Test Simulation

Your child can practise for their National Times Table Test via 'Soundcheck' on Rockstars or using the National Test Simulation link above. In both cases, please encourage your child to allow the full 6 seconds to pass they are given for each question.  Do not hit enter after answering. This allows children time to correct their answer if needed and is an essential skills for the actual National Test they take in June of Year 4. 

For further general times table practise try these:

Hit the Button Timetable Quiz Generator
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