Parents Information

As a school, we value and appreciate the support of our parents. We welcome your involvement, and recognise that the partnership between home and school is vital in your child’s education. 
Parent / Teacher Contact 
Each year parents’ evenings are held in the autumn / spring terms. At these evenings, parents have the opportunity to meet their child’s teacher and discuss their progress. In the summer term following the issue of reports, we hold a further parents’ evening at which any issues highlighted in the reports can be discussed. If concerns arise at any other time, please call at the office to make an appointment to speak to your child’s teacher after school. 
Annual reports are sent out in July each year. Parents and pupils are invited to add their comments. There will then be an opportunity for parents to discuss reports with class teachers. 
Helping your child at home 
Parents are expected to read with or hear their child read, and to help their child learn number facts, tables and spellings. Encourage them to sound out simple words if they get stuck. At any appropriate time, encourage them to write at home, such as shopping lists or invitations etc. Children often have problems with the concept of time; it will help your children if they are given the opportunity to tell the time using both analogue and digital clocks. 
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