Badger Class
Years 5/6
The Spring Term of 2025 will see Badger class learn about the history of Crime and Punishment. We will be looking at the timeline from the Roman era all the way to the modern day! We will be looking at developing a deeper understanding of crucial historical concepts: change, continuity and turning points.
Badger Class Planning Cycle B Crime and Punishment - Learning Discovery

Badger Dates for the Diary!

  • Tuesday 4th March - YEAR 6 ONLY to Crucial Crew 9am-12pm (please see letter that has been sent home)
  • Tuesday 4th March - PE day
  • Friday 7th March - Forest School afternoon
  • Tuesday 11th March - PE day
  • Thursday 13th March - Working towards KS2 SATs workshop in hall, 1:15pm-3pm (Part 1 - see office for details)
  • Friday 14th March - Forest School afternoon
  • Tuesday 18th March - PE day
  • Thursday 20th March - Badger trip to Kings Lynn Gaolhouse 9am-3pm
  • Thursday 20th March - Working towards KS2 SATs workshop in hall, 1:15pm-3pm (Part 2 - see office for details)
  • Friday 21st March - Red Nose day
  • Friday 21st March - Forest School afternon
  • Week beginning 24th March - Parents evenings (details to follow)
  • Tuesday 25th March - PE day
  • Tuesday 25th March - Interhouse Football
  • Friday 28th March - Forest School afternoon
  • Tuesday 1st April - PE day
  • Thursday 3rd April - Badger class Curriculum Cafe 1:30pm-3pm
  • Friday 4th April - Easter service at the church - 1:15pm
  • Friday 4th April - Finish for Easter holidays!
Useful Information

PE will only be on a Tuesday each week for Badger class and this will be led by Mrs Grigg.  Please note the first PE lesson for Spring will be TUESDAY 7th JANUARY 2025.

Please ensure your child arrives to school already dressed in their kit on this day, and that they are dressed suitably for the outdoor weather forecast. Earrings should be removed by the child before P.E (please note that adults in school are not permitted to remove earrings for your children). Children who, for whatever reason, cannot remove their own earrings should (ideally) be sent to school with some tape so that they can cover these themselves. In the event that you don't have any tape at home, we will provide some micropore tape so that they can do this before taking part in PE lessons.

The days may change during the course of the year, so please keep an eye on this page and your emails, but I will give you notice before this happens.

Homework will be set on Monday and will be expected in by the following Monday in order for it to be marked. Your child will receive revision booklets which they will work through in preparation for end of year assessments. Marking will usually take place during a focused session, whereby we can discuss the questions, look at ways of responding and address any that posed difficulty. They are only required to do 1 test in each booklet per week. Weekly spellings will also be given out on a Monday, and a test will be given the following Monday.

Reading Records are checked regularly. We aim for children to read at least twice each week to an adult, but children should be encouraged to read every day. Please sign reading records to indicate this and send them back with your child on a Monday & Thursday so we can monitor their number of reads. There will be a reading track in class for your child to complete.

In the first half of Spring term, we will be reading 'Highrise Mystery' by Sharna Jackson. After finding their community art teacher murdered on their tower block estate ('The Tri'), sisters Nik and Norva are determined to solve this terrible crime. Swinging into action even before the police have arrived, the whip-smart detective duo develop a list of suspects and a plan to identify motives and methods. Badger class will be reading through this story with the intent to write their own mystery/adventure narrative at the end!

We will continue our writing journey in the Spring by reading The Highwayman poem by Alfred Noyes. The poem is about a highwayman - a robber who steals from travellers - and his love, Bess. The poem focuses on the lives of these two main characters, their love for one another and their deaths. The children will be looking at the structure of the poem in order to create their own inspired Highwayman poem at the end of the unit.

As well as the above, we will also be looking at a twist on the classic 'Three Little Pigs' to write a newspaper report about how the pigs turn on the wolf and finally look at writing a recount of our trip to the Gaolhouse in Kings Lynn.

Guided Reading Questions

Please find a range of external links to support your child's learning at home.

Topic boosters and past papers with video tutorials to help target specific areas.
Handy tips and literacy and math activities that you and your child can work on together...
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