Squirrel Class      Years 1 & 2
Mrs Boote (teacher), Miss Wooldridge and Mrs Ormes (TAs)

This term we are learning all about different famous explorers. We will be learning about how Neil Armstrong became the first man to walk on the moon and how Ernest Shackleton braved the snow and ice of Antarctica. In science, we are focusing on living things and their habitats. We will be finding out about different types of habitat and the different things living things need from their habitat to survive. At the end of term we will be off to Banham Zoo!

Welcome to Squirrel Class,  

Please take time to read the newsletter linked above. This is longer than usual and includes additional information explaining how the school day will look this year. We will be having parent drop-ins after school again this year, please see the diary dates on the fortnightly school newsletters. 

Below are links to some recommended websites which you can use at home with your child. Phonics play (use the link button below) have some free games you can access without a subscription. 


PE is now on Wednesdays and Thursdays, please make sure your child comes properly equipped. PE will mainly be taught inside, so please make sure children has a pair of shorts with them for the lesson but also is suitably dressed for playtimes. 
Please send a water bottle into school for your child to use in class. We only allow the children water to drink in class but you can put a fruit drink in their pack lunch if you wish. 
Please make sure your child has a jumper or cardigan in school. We still go out to play when it is raining, so make sure your child has a suitable coat in school. 

As it gets colder, please make sure your child has a suitable coat with them and hats, gloves and a scarf as needed.  

How you can help your child at home:

  • Please listen to your child read as often as possible. As you know, reading is life skill all children need to master, regularly reading at home will support your child to continue to make good progress in this area. Each home read earns your child a green house point.
  • Send your child’s reading book and record book in daily (even if your child has not finished their reading book). This will allow us to read with them each day in school and to change your child’s reading book when needed. 
  • If your child is in year 1 - use your child's "My Phonics Book" to help them practice and embed new sounds. 
  • If your child is in year 2 - help your child to learn their weekly spellings. Tests are on Wednesdays. 
  • Encourage your child to practice their 99 club level - this improves their rapid recall and application of times table knowledge. You can find practice resource sheets at https://www.ashillschool.co.uk/99-club

 Helping to keep your child safe online

The thinkuknow website is an educational programme from the National Crime Agency's CEOP Command. This programme helps children to understand how to keep themselves safe online. More information can be found on their website www.thinkuknow.co.uk
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