The Governors at Ashill primary school are local volunteers from a variety of backgrounds, with broad experience in business, teaching and management, and a wide range of interests. They are committed to ensuring high teaching standards and motivated by the desire to create the best possible learning environment to give the children the best start in life.
With the never ending changes to educational policy and financial controls, the Governors work with the Headteacher and staff to determine the future direction of the school. They help make decisions about new appointments, and encourage the continuing professional development of staff. They advise on decisions about new resources and buildings, and on specific topics related to their experience such as managing budgets, agreement of policies, performance review and health and safety. All Governors have a role to play in the well being of the school.
Foundation (Church) Governors
Mrs Angela Phillips- Appointed by the Bishop
Dr Rosemary Norton -(Chair of Governors) Elected by the Diocese.
Parent Governors - Elected by the parents of the school
Mr Simon Mawditt
Mrs Amy Crawley
Mrs Lucy Vallerine
Co-opted Governors - Elected by the Full Governing body
Miss Kimberley Martin
Mr Simon Dack - Elected by the Full Governing body (Vice Chair of Governors)
Vacancy (2)
Local Authority Governors - Appointed by the Local Education Authority