At Ashill VC Primary School we strive to ensure that all pupils, reagrdless of their gender, race, religion or disability have access to a broad and balanced curriculum which supports them in making good progress both socially and academically throughout their time in our school.
We are part of the Wayland Cluster of Schools which works together to ensure the best possible outcomes for pupils. Part of our work as Headteachers, SENDCos and Governors is to ensure that young pupils with SEN-D receive the support they need.
On this page you will find documents to inform you of our work and support and what we are able to offer.
If you have a child with SEN-D and are considering applying for a place at our school, please do arrange to come and visit us, so we can discuss specific support and requirements for your child. Appointments can be arranged via the school office on 01760 440403 or via our contact page on this website.