To advise the Governing Body on their statutory obligations regarding the National Curriculum and ensure this is being carried out/covered in school.
To monitor the impact of Subject Leadership, looking at Subject Leaders’ Health plans. (completed annually)
To monitor and evaluate the impact of progress in the key issues for the school around the Curriculum (based on the School Development Plan/Ofsted Action Plan).
To adopt Curriculum and Pastoral Policies, and Statutory Policies where appropriate.
To review the policy and provision of Collective Worship and Religious Education and make recommendations.
To ensure that the requirements for children with Special Educational Needs are met.
To ensure that the general duty and specific duties of the Equalities Act 2010 are met.
To monitor the impact of Professional Development on Attainment.
To review RAISE online and the Pupil Asset Tracking Procedure and in - school assessments.
In line with current key issues and ensure that recommendations are implemented.
To report to the meetings of the Full Governing Body.